the right blend

The Right Blend of the Right Ingredients

Every organization and every board is different.  For whatever reason, it is sometimes not possible to structure a particular board in the exact ways that best practices might suggest.  That is not the end of the world.  It is only a reminder that there is more to board effectiveness than getting the organizational structure “right.”  However your board ends up being organized, there are three fundaments that you should work toward:  structural purity (which we just said may not be possible), governing clarity (which clears the fog), and relational health (a reminder that it is about people).  The challenge is to get the right blend of all three.

STRUCTURAL PURITY – “Organizational structure is important.  Yet even the best structure is not the reason an organization exists.  Structure is only a means.” – John Carver

RELATIONAL HEALTH – “Many people seem to feel that a good board structure enables high performance.  This is simply not so.  What’s crucial is the quality of our personal relationships.” – Max De Pree

GOVERNING CLARITY – “Within the context of making an organization healthy, alignment is about creating so much clarity that there is as little room as possible for confusion, disorder, and infighting to set in.” – Patrick Lencioni

AT THE HEART OF BLENDING THESE THREE INGREDIENTS IS THE WILLINGNESS TO ACT: To be accountable, to be committed, and to be willing to trust each other.  Accountability, Commitment, and Trust.

The design process, at its best, integrates the aspirations of art, science, and culture.


Peter Walkin
Robert Porter
Dina Johnson

Vestibulum sed commodo nunc, eu aliquet sem. Curabitur semper, sem ut posuere tincidunt, sem velit sollicitudin odio, quis hendrerit sapien nunc sit amet sem. Ut sollicitudin dignissim ligula nec porta. 

Robert Shapiro, CEO of trulr

Curabitur semper, sem ut posuere tincidunt, sem velit sollicitudin odio, quis hendrerit sapien nunc sit amet sem. Ut sollicitudin dignissim ligula nec porta. 

Lila stokinova, designer at nike

Vestibulum sed commodo nunc, eu.. Curabitur semper, sem ut posuere tincidunt, sem velit sollicitudin odio, quis hendrerit sapien nunc sit amet sem. Ut sollicitudin dignissim ligula nec porta. 

Robert Shapiro, CEO of trulr

Vestibulum sed commodo nunc, eu aliquet sem. Curabitur semper, sem ut posuere tincidunt, sem velit sollicitudin odio, quis hendrerit sapien nunc sit amet sem. Ut sollicitudin dignissim ligula nec porta. 

Robert Shapiro, CEO of trulr